Available Services

This file covers the available services in the example deployment.

Apache NiFi-related files are provided in ../nifi directory.

Please note that all the services are deployed using Docker engine and it needs to be present in the system. Please see example deployment for more details on the used services and their configuration.


The below image sums up how CogStack services work with eachother in an environment where all available components are used.


Primary services

All the services are defined in services.yml file and these are:

  • samples-db - a PostgreSQL database with sample data to play with,

  • cogstack-databank-db - production PostgreSQL database, has it’s own scripts in /services/cogstack-db/pgsql

  • cogstack-databank-db-mssql - production MSSQL database, has it’s own scripts in /services/cogstack-db/mssql, this is just an alternative, needs a license.

  • nifi - a single instance of Apache NiFi processor (with Zookeper embedded) with exposing a web user interface,

  • nifi-nginx - used for reverse proxy to enable secure access to NiFi and other services.

  • tika-service - the Apache Tika running as a web service (see: Tika Service repository).

  • ocr-service-1/ocr-service-2 - the new OCR text extraction tool that is a replacement of tika-service.

  • nlp-gate-drugapp - an example drug names extraction NLP application using GATE NLP Service runner exposing a REST API,

  • nlp-medcat-service-production - MedCAT NLP application running as a web Service and using an example model trained on Med-Mentions corpus,

  • medcat-trainer-ui - MedCAT Trainer web application used for training and refining MedCAT NLP models,

  • medcat-trainer-nginx - a NGINX reverse-proxy for MedCAT Trainer,

  • elasticsearch-1/elasticsearch-2 - a two-node cluster of Elasticsearch based on OpenSearch for Elasticsearch distribution,

  • metricbeat - Elasticsearch Native only cluster monitoring service

  • filebeat - log ingestion service for ElasticSearch Native

  • kibana - Kibana user-interface based on OpenSearch for Elasticsearch distribution,

  • jupyter-hub - a single instance of Jupyter Hub for serving Jupyter Notebooks for interacting with the data.

  • git-ea - Github-like web service, you can host your own repositories here if your organisation is strict security-wise

IMPORTANT Please note that some of the necessary configuration parameters, variables and paths are also defined in the services.yml file.

Optional NLP services

In addition, there are defined such NLP services:

  • nlp-medcat-service-production serving SNOMED CT model,

  • nlp-gate-bioyodie - same as nlp-gate-drugapp but serving Bio-YODIE NLP application.

These services are optional and won’t be started by default. They were left in the services.yml file for informative purposes if one would be interested in deploying these having access to necessary resources.


Important Please note that for the demonstration purposes, the services are run with default built-in usernames / passwords. Moreover, SSL encryption is also disabled or not set up in the configuration files. For more information please see the security


The example deployment recipes are defined in Makefile file. The commands that start services are prefixed with start- keyword, similarly the ones to stop are prefixed with stop.

Data ingestion and storage infrastructure

To deploy the data ingestion and storage infrastructure, type:

make start-data-infra

The command will deploy services: nifi, elasticsearch-1, kibana, tika-service, samples-db. Please see below the description of the services with the information on the accessibility.

To stop the services, type:

make stop-data-infra

Services & definition description

All the essential details on the services configuration are defined in services.yml file.

Please note that all the services are running within a private cognet Docker network hence the endpoints are all accessible within the deployed services. However, for the ease of use, some of the services have their ports bound from container to the host machine.

NLP services

Please note that nlp-medcat-service-production and nlp-gate-bioyodie NLP services use license-restricted resources and these need to be provided by the user prior running these services. Bio-YODIE requires UMLS resources that need to be provided in the RES_BIOYODIE_UMLS_PATH directory. MedCAT SNOMED CT model requires a prepared model based on SNOMED CT dictionary with the model available in RES_MEDCAT_SERVICE_MODEL_PRODUCTION_PATH directory. These paths can be defined in .env file in the deployment directory.

For more information on available services resources, please see README in services directory.


Bio-YODIE is a named entity linking application build using GATE NLP suite (publication).

The application files are stored in nlp-services/applications/bio-yodie/ directory.

The Bio-Yodie service configuration is stored in nlp-services/applications/bio-yodie/config/ directory - the key service configuration properties are defined in application.properties file.


Important Please note that this application is provided just as a proof-of-concept of running GATE applications.

This simple application implements annotation of common drugs and medications. It was created using GATE NLP suite and uses GATE ANNIE Gazetteer plugin. The application was been created in GATE Developer studio and exported into gapp format. This application is hence ready to be used by GATE and is stored in nlp-services/applications/drug-app/gate directory as drug.gapp alongside the used resources.

The list of drugs and medications to annotate is based on a publicly available list of FDA-approved drugs and active ingredients. The data can be downloaded directly from Drugs@FDA database.

This applications is being run using a NLP Service runner application that uses internally GATE Embedded (for running GATE applications) and exposes a REST API. The NLP Service necessary configuration files are stored in nlp-services/applications/drug-app/config/ directory - the key service configuration properties are defined in application.properties file.

If you would like to build the docker image with already initialized NLP application, service and necessary resources bundled, please use provided Dockerfile in the nlp-services/applications/drug-app/ directory.

To deploy an example GATE NLP Drug names extraction application as a service, type:

make start-nlp-gate

The command will deploy nlp-gate-drugapp service. Please see below the description of the deployed NLP service.

To stop the service, type:

make stop-nlp-gate

Important This service will be discontinued in the near future, meaning it will be removed from the repo.


MedCAT is a named entity recognition and linking application for concept annotation from UMLS or any other source. MedCAT is deployed as a service exposing RESTful API using the implementation from MedCATservice.

MedCAT Service

MedCAT Service resources are stored in ./services/nlp-services/applications/medcat/ directory. The key configuration properties stored as environment variables are defined in ./services/nlp-services/applications/medcat/config/ sub-directory. The models used by MedCAT are stored in ./servies/nlp-services/applications/cat/models/. A default model to play with is provided, called MedMen and there is a script ./services/nlp-services/applications/medcat/models/download_medmen.sh to download it, please make sure you are in the ./services/nlp-services/applications/medcat/models/ before executing the download script.

For more information on the MedCAT Service configuration and use please refer to the official documentation.

Important For the example deployment we provide a simple and publicly available MedCAT model. However, custom and more advanced MedCAT models can be used based on license-restricted terminology dictionaries such as UMLS or SNOMED CT. Which model is being used by the deployed MedCAT Service is defined both in the MedCAT Service config file and the deployment configuration file (see: deploy).

To deploy MedCAT application stack, type:

make start-nlp-medcat

The command will deploy MedCAT NLP service nlp-medcat-service-production with related MedCAT Trainer services medcat-trainer-ui, medcat-trainer-nginx. Please see below the description of the deployed NLP services.

To stop the services, type:

make stop-nlp-medcat

ENV/CONF files:

  • /service/nlp-services/applications/medcat/config/env_app - settings specifically related to the medcat service app, such as model(pack) file location(s)

  • /service/nlp-services/applications/medcat/config/env_medcat - medcat specific settings

Jupyter Hub

To deploy Jupyter Hub, type:

make start-jupyter

Please see below the description of the Jupyter Hub.

To stop the services, type:

make stop-jupyter

ENV/CONF files:

  • /deploy/jupyter.env


To tear down all the containers and the data persisted in mounted volumes, type:

make cleanup

Database Stack

The samples DB uses PgSQL, but we also provide an MSSQL instance (no data on it however), that can be used in prod environments.Please see the workflows section about how to configure the difference controllers and DB drivers.

Samples DB

samples-db provides a PostgreSQL database that contains sample data to play with. During start-up the data is loaded from a previously generated DB dump.

All the necessary resources, data and scripts are stored in pgsamples/ directory. During the service initialization, the script init_db.sh will populate the database with sample data read from a database dump stored in db_dump directory. The directory ./services/pgsamples/scripts contains SQL schemas with scripts that will generate the database dump using sample data.

When deployed the PostgreSQL database is exposed at port 5432 of the samples-db container. The port is also bound from container to the host machine 5555 port. The example data is stored in db_samples database. Use user test with password test to connect to it.

For an example deployment, a PostgreSQL database that contains some example data to play with was generated synthetic records enrinched with free-text from MTSamples. The free-text sample data is based on MT Samples dataset with the structured fields generated by Synthea.

The tables available in the database are:

  • patients - structured patient information,

  • encounters - structured encounters information,

  • observations - structured observations information,

  • medical_reports_raw - free-text documents in raw format (PDFs) (*),

  • medical_reports_text - free-text documents in clean, text format (*),

  • medical_reports_processed - for storing processed documents, empty (*),

  • annotations_medcat - for storing extracted MedCAT annotations, empty.

The tables used in the deployment example are marked with (*).

ENV/CONF files:

  • /deploy/database.env - currently only basic stuff like DB users/passwords are included


This is a general database provided for production, it does not have any data in it beyond the defined cogstack_schema (this is not yet present) and annotation_schema. Provided for both PGSQL and MSSQL.

In the future the ${DB_PROVIDER} will be an environment variable that will take into account the db-provider you can select, possible values [mssql,pgsql]

By default all the .sql files beginning with annotations* and cogstack* prefix in the services/cogstack-db/${DB_PROVIDER}/schemas/ will be loaded.This is defined in the services/cogstack-db/${DB_PROVIDER}/init_db.sh.There should not be a need to change them as users can simply name their schemas accordingly.Place the desired sql files in the schemas folder and it will be picked up.To debug any issues with the container or with the SQL scripts please run the startup commands separately docker-compose -f services.yml up cogstack-databank-db or docker-compose -f services.yml cogstack-databank-db-mssql while in the deploy/ folder.

MSSQL note The MSSQL container will require license activation for production as per Microsoft’s guideline, setting the MSSQL_PID env variable to the correct license PID key should activate the product.

ENV/CONF files:

  • /deploy/database.env - currently only basic stuff like DB users/passwords are included

Apache NiFi

nifi serves a single-node instance of Apache NiFi that includes the data processing engine with user interface for defining data flows and monitoring. Since this is a single-node NiFi instance, it also contains the default, embedded Apache Zookeper instance for managing state.

nifi container exposes port 8443 which is also bound to the host machine on port 8082.

nifi-nginx contianer exposes the 8443 port directly, reverser-proxying the connection to nifi. The Apache NiFi user interface can be hence accessed by navigating on the host (e.g.localhost) machine at http://localhost:8443.

In this deployment example, we use a custom build Apache NiFi image with example user scripts and workflow templates. For more information on configuration, user scripts and user templates that are embeded with the custom Apache NiFi image please refer to the nifi. The available example workflows are covered in workflows Alternatively, please refer to the official Apache NiFi documentation for more details on actual use of Apache NiFi.

ENV/CONF files:

  • /deploy/nifi.env - most notable settings are related to port mapping and proxy

  • /security/certificates_nifi.env - define NiFi certificate settings here

More configuration options are covered in nifi-doc.

Tika Service

tika-service provides document text extraction functionality of Apache Tika. Tika Service implements the actual Apache Tika functionality behind a RESTful API.

The application data, alongside configuration file, is stored in ./services/tika-service directory.

When deployed Tika Service exposes port 8090 at tika-service container being available to all services within cognet Docker network, most importantly by nifi data processing engine. The Tika service REST API endpoint for processing documents is available at http://tika-service:8090/api/process.

For more details on configuration, API definition and example use of Tika Service please refer to the official documentation.

ENV/CONF files:

  • /deploy/tika-service/config/application.yaml

OCR Service

The new ocr-service provides a new way to OCR documents at good speed, the equivalent in Tika-service but revwritten in Python and optimized.

ocr-service-1 - this container is used for OCR ocr-service-2 - this container is used for NON-OCR, meaning documents will simply have their text extracted if they contain text without images

ENV/CONF files:

  • /deploy/ocr_service.env - for ocr-service-1

  • /deploy/ocr_service_text_only.env - for ocr-service-2, NON-OCR instance

IMPORTANT All settings are decribed here.

NLP Services

In the example deployment we use NLP applications running as a service exposing REST API. The current version of API specs is specified in ./services/nlp-services/api-specs/ directory (both Swagger and OpenAPI specs). The applications are stored in ./services/nlp-services/applications.


All the NLP services implement a RESTful API that is defined in OpenAPI specification.

The available endpoints are:

  • GET /api/info - for displaying general information about the used NLP application,

  • POST /api/process - for processing text documents (single document mode),

  • POST /api/process_bulk - for processing multiple text documents (bulk mode).

When plugging-in the NLP services into Apache NiFi workflows, the endpoint for processing single or multiple documents will be used to extract the annotations from documents. Please see example Apache NiFi workflows and user scripts on using and parsing the payloads with NiFi.

For further details on the used API please refer to the OpenAPI specification for the definition of the request and response payload.


nlp-gate-drugapp serves a simple drug names extraction NLP application using GATE NLP Service. This simple application implements annotation of common drugs and medications. It was created using GATE NLP suite and uses GATE ANNIE Gazetteer plugin. The GATE application definition and resources are available in directory ./services/nlp-services/applications/drug-app.

When deployed nlp-gate-drugapp exposes port 8095 on the container. The port is also bound from container to the host machine 8095 port. The service endpoint should be available to all the services running inside the cognet Docker network. For example, to access the API endpoint to process a document by a service in cognet network, the endpoint address would be http://nlp-gate-drugapp:8095/api/process.

As a side note, when deployed nlp-gate-bioyodie (assuming that the Bio-YODIE resources are properly set up with RES_BIOYODIE_UMLS_PATH variable), the service will only expose port 8095 on container. Although the service won’t be accessible from the host machine, but all the services inside the cognet network will be able to access it.

For more information on the GATE NLP Service configuration and use please refer to the official documentation.


MedCAT is a named entity recognition and linking application for concept annotation from UMLS or any other source. MedCAT deployment consists of MedCAT NLP Service serving NLP models via RESTful API and MedCAT Trainer for collecting annotations and refinement of the NLP models.

MedCAT Service

nlp-medcat-service-production serves a basic UMLS model trained on MedMentions dataset via RESTful API. The served model data is available in ./services/nlp-services/applications/medcat/models/medmen/ directory.

When deployed nlp-medcat-service-production exposes port 5000 on the container and binds it to port 5000 on the host machine. For example, to access the API endpoint to process a document by a service from cognet Docker network, the endpoint address would be http:// nlp-medcat-service-production:5000/api/process.

As a side note, when deployed nlp-medcat-service-production (assuming that the MedCAT SNOMED CT model is available and set via RES_MEDCAT_SERVICE_MODEL_PRODUCTION_PATH variable), the service will only expose port 5000 on container. Although the service won’t be accessible from the host machine, but all the services inside the cognet network will be able to access it.

For more information on the MedCAT NLP Service configuration and use please refer to the official documentation.

ENV/CONF files:

  • /service/nlp-services/applications/medcat/config/env_app - settings specifically related to the medcat service app, such as model(pack) file location(s)

  • /service/nlp-services/applications/medcat/config/env_medcat - medcat specific settings

MedCAT Trainer

Apart from MedCAT Service, there is provided MedCAT Trainer that serves a web application used for training and refining MedCAT NLP models. Such trained models can be later saved as files and loaded into MedCAT Service. Alternatively, the models can be loaded into custom application.

medcat-trainer-ui serves the MedCAT Trainer web application used for training and refining MedCAT NLP models. Such trained models can be later saved as files and loaded into MedCAT Service. Alternatively, the models can be loaded into custom application.

As a companion service, medcat-trainer-nginx serves as a NGINX reverse-proxy for providing content from MedCAT Trainer web service.

When deployed, medcat-trainer-ui exposes port 8000 on the container. medcat-trainer-nginx exposes port 8000 on the container and binds it to port 8001 on the host machine - it proxies all the requests to the MedCAT Trainer web service. The NGINX configuration is stored in ./services/medcat-trainer/nginx directory.

To access the MedCAT Trainer user interface and admin panel, one can use the default built-in credentials: user admin with password admin.

For more information on the MedCAT Trainer configuration and use please refer to the official documentation.

MedCAT Trainer resources are stored in ./services/medcat-trainer directory. The key configuration is stored in ./services/medcat-trainer/env file.

ELK stack

There are two types of Elasticsearch versions available, apart from the native one there is a also OpenSearch, which is a fork of the original but developed & maintained by Amazon as an opensource alternative.

The example deployment uses ELK stack from OpenSearch for Elasticsearch distribution. OpenSearch for Elasticsearch is a fully open-source, free and community-driven fork of Elasticseach. It implements many of the commercial X-Pack components functionality, such as advanced security module, alerting module or SQL support. Nonetheless, the standard core functionality and APIs of the official Elasticsearch and OpenSearch remain the same. Hence, OpenSearch can be used as a drop-in replacement for the standard ELK stack.

The names of the services within the NiFi project are the same even though they have different names, we will refer to original Elasticsearch as ES native in the documentation.

Services names Elasticsearch | OpenSearch :

- Elasticsearch <-> OpenSearch
- Kibana <-> OpenSearch Dashboards

In essence the configuration is very similar, however, there are a few differences:

Elasticsearch Native



paid licensing, will require subscription, 30-day free trial available



Xpack (native), analysis-icu & elastiknn (3rd party), for more check this link.



AD/LDAP/AWS/OpenID/Native auth


Important Please note that for the demonstration purposes SSL encryption has been disabled in Elasticsearch and Kibana. For enabling it and generating self-signed certificates please refer directly to the services.yml file and README in security directory. The security aspects are covered expensively in the official OpenSearch for Elasticsearch documentation.

Elasticsearch / Opensearch

Elasticsearch cluster is deployed as a single-node cluster with elasticsearch-1 service. It exposes port 9200 on the container and binds it to the same port on the host machine. The service endpoint should be available to all the services running inside the cognet Docker network under address http://elasticsearch-1:9200. The default user is : admin and password admin. In the example deployment, the default, built-in configuration file is used with selected configuration options being overridden in services.yml file. However, for manual tailoring the available configuration parameters are available in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file.

For more information on use of Elasticsearch please refer either to the official Elasticsearch documentation or the official OpenSearch for Elasticsearch documentation.

Kibana / Opensearch-Dashboard

kibana service implements the Kibana user interface for interacting with the data stored in Elasticsearch cluster. It exposes port 5601 on the container and binds it to the same port on the host machine. To access Kibana user interface from web browser on the host (e.g.localhost) machine one can use URL: https://localhost:5601. The default user is : admin and password admin. In the example deployment, the default, built-in configuration file is used with selected configuration options being overridden in services.yml file. However, for manual tailoring the available configuration parameters are available in kibana.yml configuration file.

For more information on use of Kibana please refer either to the official Kibana documentation or the official OpenSearch for Elasticsearch documentation.

ENV/CONF files:

  • /deploy/elasticsearch.env - general settings for boith Kibana and ES , OpenSearch and OpenSearch-Dashboards

  • /security/certificates_elasticsearch.env - you can control the settings for the SSL certificates here

  • /security/elasticsearch_users.env - define system user credentials here

You should not really need to ever modify these files, only the .env files should be modified.

  • /services/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml - Elasticsearch

  • /services/kibana/config/elasticsearch.yml - Elasticsearch Kibana

  • /services/elasticsearch/config/opensearch.yml - Opensearch

  • /services/kibana/config/opensearch.yml - Opensearch-Dashboards

The used configuration files for ElasticSearch and Kibana are provided in ./services/elasticsearch/config/ and ./services/kibana/config/ directories respectively for OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboard.


Please note that both ElasticSearch and Kibana use security module to manage user access permissions and roles. However, for production use, proper users and roles need to be set up otherwise the default built-in ones will be used and with default passwords.

In the example deployment, the default built-in user credentials are used, such as: - OpenSearch user: admin with pass admin. - ElasticSearch user: elastic with pass kibanaserver

For more details on setting up the security certificates, users, roles and more in this example deployment please refer to security.

Indexing & Ingesting data

Also note that in some scenarios a manual creation of index mapping may be a good idea prior to starting ingestion. Please look at Elasticsearch mapping and OpenSearch mapping docs on how to create the mapping before ingesting. IMPORTANT: not creating the mapping of an index will result in ElasticSearch/OpenSearch automatically map all field datatypes as string, making fields such as date/timestamps not incredibly !

A script es_index_initializer.py has been provided in ./services/elasticsearch/scripts/ directory to help with that.

Installing and maintaining Elasticsearch/Opensearch

Please follow the instructions carefully and adapt where necessary.

Switching between OpenSearch and ElasticSearch

You can switch by simple modifying the following variables:

  • ELASTICSEARCH_VERSION - set to elasticsearch or opensearch

  • ELASTICSEARCH_DOCKER_IMAGE - check the possible values in the elasticsearch.env file

  • ELASTICSEARCH_KIBANA_DOCKER_IMAGE - check the possible values in the elasticsearch.env file

  • KIBANA_VERSION - set to either kibana or opensearch-dashboards (note that opensearch-dashboards does not have an underscore in the name..)

  • KIBANA_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION - set to either kibana or opensearch_dashboards

There are no metricbeat & filebeat equivalents provided for OpenSearch at the moment as part of this repo.

Setting up a fresh cluster with 3 nodes

Assuming you will respect the proper guidelines, you would need 3 machines to set things up. If not, then you can still set them up on one machine.


  • go into the /deploy/ folder, edit elasticsearch.env

  • once you get the machine’s IP addresses, modify the following variable on each machine ELASTICSEARCH_NETWORK_HOST, with the IP of each instance

  • next, the env file will have a var for each server for settings such as:

    • node name: ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_1_NAME


    • docker volume names: ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_1_DATA_VOL_NAME.

  • on all three servers this variable should be the same: ELASTICSEARCH_SEED_HOSTS, it should be set to all 3 ip addresess or machine names, respect the format as it is given in the file ELASTICSEARCH_SEED_HOSTS=localhost,elasticsearch-2,elasticsearch-1,elasticsearch-3 for example, localhost must always be present

  • change the cluster name if needed, by setting ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER_NAME.

  • the intial cluster manager must be set via ELASTICSEARCH_INITIAL_CLUSTER_MANAGER_NODES, normally this can be either of the servers

  • a setting you may change here IF needed is the ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_1_NAME, for each server, e.g: ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_1_NAME=”test1”, ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_2_NAME=”test2”, ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_3_NAME=”test3”.

  • extra step for Kibana and Metricbeat we will need to add all three URLs to the nodes via the ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS variable, e.g: ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=’[“https://elasticsearch-1:9200”,”https://elasticsearch-2:9200”,”https://elasticsearch-3:9200”]’, please respect the quotes as shown in the file otherwise there can be parsing errors.

  • update your license, set ELASTICSEARCH_LICENSE_TYPE from trial to basic if you are on ElasticSearch native and if you have a bought license!

  • after you are finished please read post-setup-todos

Resource management

You may want to also change the allocated number of CPUs to one instance/node, to do this, change the following variables: - ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_PROCESSORS, default is 2 cores, max it out if you have a node dedicated for ES only. - ELASTICSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS, default is to -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m only, the max allowed memory for HEAP is 32GB, read this article.

Other settings
  • OPTIONAL: you can change the location of the backup mounted volumes in the container if needed by setting the ELASTICSEARCH_BACKUPS_PATH_REPO var, please check the syntax so it matches the format of the provided string sample:[“/mnt/es_data_backups”,”/mnt/es_config_backups”]

  • OPTIONAL: you will need to setup the LDAP connection, if you are using LDAP, modify ELASTICSEARCH_AD_URL, ELASTICSEARCH_AD_DOMAIN_NAME and ELASTICSEARCH_AD_TIMEOUT (for timeout controls) also ELASTICSEARCH_AD_UNMAPPED_GROUPS_AS_ROLES for automatic LDAP group to role mapping (check this for more info)

  • OPTIONAL: additionally, you may want to have an email for your watcher jobs, this can be set via the ELASTICSEARCH_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_PROFILE variable and ELASTICSEARCH_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_DEFAULTS, the SMTP server must be set for this to work, so set ELASTICSEARCH_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST and ELASTICSEARCH_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT accordingly, look at the sample settings in the env file for guidance.

Setting up Kibana/OpenSearch Dashboards

  • if you wish to change the kibana instance name, change the KIBANA_SERVER_NAME var.

  • the ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS var must be set so that it contains the URLs of all the nodes in the cluster check the previous section’s last non-optional step

  • set KIBANA_PUBLIC_BASE_URL to the url of the server hosting Kibana/OS dashboards

Setting up Metricbeat and Filebeat

  • set KIBANA_HOST to the host of your Kibana server

  • set FILEBEAT_HOST to the url of the server each FileBeat is on, it can be just https://localhost:9200 or, if it does not work, then set it to the URL of each docker instance https://elasticsearch-1 etc.

  • set FILEBEAT_USER and FILEBEAT_PASSWORD in ./security/elasticsearch_users.env if needed.


You have to create accounts for the default users. Please use the provided scripts in the /security folder.

Set users in elasticsearch_users.env for either versions. For ElasticSearch native, use: create_es_native_credentials.sh. For OpenSearch use: create_opensearch_users.sh.

If you wish to also setup certificates, check the security section.

Updating the version of the cluster

IMPORTANT: Make sure to disable any ingestion jobs before doing any of the update steps

For ElasticSearch:

  • please check this link for specific version guides.

  • carefully read this, there are a few steps that need to be completed via the Dev Console in Kibana and/or via curl in terminal.

  • take note of which Elastic version you are using and check if there are any extra steps that you might need to do, for example you cant upgrade from v7.1.0 to v8.9.2, you’d need to go v7.1.0->7.9.0 first then v8.1.0 -> v8.9.x, this is a pattern that will likely repeat for future versions

  • there may be some additional steps that can be done via Kibana if the documentation says you may need to upgrade your indices to a later version, check this as an example, upgrading from 7.x to 8.x requires a REINDEX operation on all indices!

  • steps:

    • make sure you stop ALL ingestion jobs

    • this disables shard allocation:
      curl -u your_username -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "persistent": {   "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "primaries" } } '

    • flush indices: curl -u your_username -X POST "localhost:9200/_flush/synced?pretty"

    • wait for everything to complete, check to see if the health of all clusters is green and the shards are fine

    • shut down all ES services, start with Kibana, Metricbeat, Filebeat and then the Elasticserch cluster : docker container stop cogstack-kibana cogstack-metricbeat-1 cogstack-metricbeat-2  cogstack-filebeat-1  cogstack-filebeat-2  cogstack-filebeat-3, docker container stop elasticsearch-1 elasticsearch-2 elasticsearch-3, obviously execute these on each

    • change the relevant ENV VARS (change these in deploy/elasticsearch.env): ELASTICSEARCH_DOCKER_IMAGE=”docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.3.3”, ELASTICSEARCH_KIBANA_DOCKER_IMAGE=”docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:8.3.3”, METRICBEAT_IMAGE=”docker.elastic.co/beats/metricbeat:8.3.3”, FILEBEAT_IMAGE=”docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:8.3.3”

    • NOTE: all docker images must have the same version, e.g 8.3.3, otherwise there may be errors, please check this before starting the services.

    • go to the deploy folder and start update the source env vars by executing source export_env_vars.sh, do a test to see if the new vars are set echo $ELASTICSEARCH_DOCKER_IMAGE for example

    • start only the elastic instance on the correct cluster (assuming each node is on its own separate machine, as it should normally be), wait for startup to complete

    • start the rest of the services and check for the health of each node

    • re-enable shard allocation:
      curl -u your_username -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "persistent": {   "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "all" } } '

    • go to Kibana > System Monitor > Clusters and check the status of all the nodes & shards.

For OpenSearch:

  • please check this link

  • the follow the steps from the For Elasticsearch section above, the only diference is the curl command for disabling the shard allocation:

    • curl -u your_username -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d { "persistent":{ "cluster.routing.rebalance.enable": "primaries" } }

  • shut down kibana & the nodes

  • change the relevant ENV vars in deploy/elasticsearch.env such as ELASTICSEARCH_KIBANA_DOCKER_IMAGE and ELASTICSEARCH_DOCKER_IMAGE.

  • go to the deploy folder and start update the source env vars by executing source export_env_vars.sh, do a test to see if the new vars are set echo $ELASTICSEARCH_DOCKER_IMAGE for example

  • all things should be working, re-enable allocation of shards:

    • curl -u your_username -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d { "persistent":{ "cluster.routing.rebalance.enable": "primaries" } }

Jupyter Hub

jupyter-hub service provides a single instance of Jupyter Hub to serve Jupyter Notebooks containers to users.In essence, the jupyter-hub container will spawn jupyter-singleuser containers for users, on the fly, as necessary.The settings applied to the jupyter-hub service in services.yml won’t apply to the singleuser containers, please note that the singleuser containers and jupyter-hub container are entirely independent of one another.

It exposes port 8888 by default on the container and binds to the same port on the host machine. Since jupyter-hub is running in the cognet Docker network it has access to all services available within it, hence can be used to read data directly from Elasticsearch or query NLP services.

For more information on the use and configuration of Jupyter Hub please refer to the official Jupyter Hub documentation.

The JupyterHub comes with an example Jupyter notebook that is stored in ./services/jupyter-hub/notebooks directory.

Access and account control

To access Jupyter Hub on the host machine (e.g.localhost), one can type in the browser http://localhost:8888.

Creating accounts for other users is possible, just go to the admin page https://localhost:8888/hub/admin#/, click on add users and follow the instructions (make sure usernames are lower-cased and DO NOT contain symbols, if usernames contain uppercase they will be converted to lower case in the creation process).

The default password is blank, you can set the password for the admin user the first time you LOG IN, remember it.

Or you can set the password is defined by a local variable JUPYTERHUB_PASSWORD in .env file that is the password SHA-1 value if the authenticator is set to either LocalAuthenticator or Native read more in jupyter doc about this.

Users must use the “/work/”directory for their work, otherwise files might not get saved!

User singleuser container image selection

Users can be allowed to select their own image upon starting their container service, this is enabled by default, it can be turned off by setting DOCKER_SELECT_NOTEBOOK_IMAGE_ALLOWED=false in the services.yml file.

GPU support within jupyter

Pre-requisites (for Linux and Windows): - for Linux, you need to install the nvidia-docker2 package / nvidia toolkit package that adds gpu spport for docker, official documentation here - this also needs to be done for Windows machines, please read the the documentation for WSL2 here

GPU support is disabled by default, to enable it, set DOCKER_ENABLE_GPU_SUPPORT=true in the services.yml file.Please note that only the cogstacksystems/jupyter-singleuser-gpu:latest/ cogstack-gpu should be used, as it is the only image that has the drivers installed.

Do not attempt to use the gpu image on a non-gpu machine, it wont work and it will crash the container service.

Resource limit control in Jupyter-Hub

It is possible to set CPU and RAM limits for admins and normal users, check the following properties in /deploy/jupyter.env.

# general user resource cap per container

# admin resource cap per container

Go to the /deploy folder. You will need to execute the export_env_vars.sh script in order to set these limits, BEFORE running the jupyter-hub container.

Check if the variables have been set by running:


If no value is diplsayed then you will manually have to set it, run the following:

set -a
source jupyter.env
set +a

ENV/CONF files:

  • /deploy/jupyter.env - all you should ever set is located here

  • /services/jupyter-hub/jupyter_config.py - only tamper if you know what you are doing, please see config documentation for detailed settings


  • /services/jupyter-hub/userlist - userlist that gets loaded once jupyter starts up, you will need to update this manually at the moment whenever a user is created

  • /services/jupyter-hub/teamlist - teamlist that gets loaded once jupyter starts up

Re-run the above if you change the values.Make sure to delete old instances of Jupyter-hub containers, and Jupyter single-user containers for each user.DO NOT delete their volumes, you don’t want to delete their data!

IMPORTANT NOTE: all environment variable(s) are described in detail in the env file comments in /deploy/jupyter.env


This service users NiFi’s ../../security/root-ca.p12 and ../../security/root-ca.key certificates,so if you have generated them for NiFi then there is nothing else to do, please see the jupytherhub secion for other security configs.


This is a GitHub/GitLab equivalent.Feel free to use it if you organisation doesn’t allow access to Github, etc.

Migrating Git repositories:

Migrating git repos is straightforward.

If you have an Git organisation (e.g COGSTACK) on your git-ea server, make sure you do the following steps:

  • make sure you have the same organisation name created/existing on both servers, and that the source server has the repos you need migrating assigned to the organisation

  • select

  • the above option reveals a screen, select Git not Gitea

  • in the next screen we can pick a user

  • complete the migration as per the following example:

    • get url of the source and dest servers : e.g cogstack1 (source) and cogstack2 (dest) respectively

    • use a user and password that is able to manage the repo on cogstack2

    • untick the mirror option as we will not be using cogstack2 in future

    • select and it should report success and the repo will be migrated into the COGSTACK organisation on the new server

ENV/settings files:

  • `/services/gitea/app.ini`` - this is the file you will need to edit manually for settings for now, ENV file will soon be available.


This service users NiFi’s ../../security/root-ca.p12 and ../../security/root-ca.key certificates, nothing else is required.


Although by default not used in the deployment example, NGINX is primarily used as a reverse proxy, limiting the access to the used services that normally expose endpoint for the end-user. For a simple scenario, it can used only for securing access to Apache NiFi webservice endpoint.

All the necessary configuration files and scripts are located in ./services/nginx/config/ directory where the user and password generation script setup_passwd.sh.


This is a specific nginx instance that is used directly by all services EXCEPT MedCAT Trainer, the trainer has it’s own instance started separately with different rules.


Please refer to the trainer docs, MedCAT Trainer for more info on configuration.


This service users NiFi’s ../../security/root-ca.p12 and ../../security/root-ca.key certificates.